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Brooklyn IRT anniversry - NY Times articles

Posted by Allan on Fri May 2 09:38:50 2008

Since the annioversary went by with barely a whimper I figured that it might be worthwhile to look at the NY Times articles from May 1 - 4, 1908.

Viewing the artciles is free. When you get to each page click on "View full article" and that portion of the newpaper page should come up.

May 1, 1908


May 2, 1908

May 3, 1908


In the May 3rd article they mentioned talk of an extention to connect to the BRT Brighton line and actually running down to Coney Island. We know, of course, that never came to pass.

May 4, 1908 Did you know that a train derailed in the tube at 8 PM on May 3, 1908? I certainly didn't


The articles can be saved as Adobe .pdf files

If you can't get to the articles, send me an email and I can send you the .pdf files


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