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Re: Supplementing Roosevelt Island

Posted by Wallyhorse on Fri Jan 25 21:39:47 2008, in response to Re: Elected Officials Call for Extension of Q Line to Supplement Roosevelt Island, posted by Newkirk Plaza David on Fri Jan 25 09:51:02 2008.


That's why I would be looking at building a new terminal station on the northern part of Roosevelt Island that can have the N train go through a new northern tunnel that would come into Manhattan at 76th or 79th and stop at York-1st Avenues before joining the Q to stop at 72nd/2nd and then with the Q onto the express track at 57th/7th (and the W becoming the full-time train out of Astroia). This tunnel could later be extended into Queens to create a new super express that can start on Queens Blvd. at the never-used upper level of the Roosevelt Avenue station with perhaps one other stop in Queens before Roosevelt Island and the UES stops before heading to Broadway.

This is one case where I suspect we would have YIMBYs as opposed to NIMBYs, especially since many who live on York and 1st Avenues have to currently walk a considerable distance in that area to get the 6 (and 4 in the overnights), and even the SAS won't help a lot of those people all that much since it will still be a walk to either 72nd or 83rd street to get the Q (and eventually T, though an improvement nonetheless). As one who actually grew up in that part of Manhattan, I know that even those who have money often use the subway because traffic is such a mess, so a 79th/York-1st Avenue station in particular would be a major help in that regard as the first stop coming from Roosevelt Island to Manhattan (and eventually a super express coming from Queens Blvd.).


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