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Re: Supplementing Roosevelt Island

Posted by Michael549 on Mon Jan 28 18:17:43 2008, in response to Re: Supplementing Roosevelt Island, posted by (X) 2nd Avenue Local on Mon Jan 28 17:48:21 2008.

From a previous message: "But the point here is not to involve new construction. what is needed is to increase the service levels on a line already serving Roosevelt Island that can't handle increased sservice levels because the line in question shares capacity with another line in Queens, and that the MTA imposed limitations on how much service can be run."

The statement "that the MTA imposed limitations on how much service" implies something that is not true, the implication being that if the MTA just ran the service properly then we could fit 10,000 trains per hour on just two tracks. When the first original subways were built and opened in 1904, the signal and track systems were built to accommodate 30 trains per hour in each direction. That has been the standard that was used when the BMT and later the IND systems were created. Since all of this predates the MTA (not established until 1968) how logically is it some kind of "MTA imposed limitation"?

Just face facts - there's only so many trains that can be carried down a set of tracks safely in a given period of time. If those trains are packed to the gills with riders, then those on the platforms waiting will have a tough time getting on board those packed trains. Plenty of riders along Lexington Avenue, and Queens find that they have to wait for a second train to come along because the trains are packed. The fact that the trains are crowded during the rush hours is not exactly late-breaking news.

As already stated it was the tram about to be out for 9-months that started the discussion - so during the 9-month period establish bus service (maybe more Q102's) to nearby Queens stations.



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