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Re: Time for the MTA to cash in on the graffiti in the system...

Posted by Christopher Rivera on Sat Jan 5 14:54:46 2008, in response to Re: Time for the MTA to cash in on the graffiti in the system..., posted by BMTLines on Sat Jan 5 14:49:58 2008.

Encourage... HA! No, since graffiti will always be a problem with the MTA I'm saying it's time to make a profit out of it by controlling it, and it will actually reduce the problem by making it less of a dark art. The MTA is now putting light on to the subject and making a profit off of it in the process. It's all how you harness it, cause whether we want to admit or not some graffiti is amazing, some isn't but all of it can be used for profit since those artists that did those lay no claim to the works, since it now belongs to the MTA they can do what they wish. Besides the MTA could develop with the NYC School system art programs that take the graffiti artists off the streets (subways in this case) and get them into art programs throughout the nation. Why fight the problem when you can harness and control it?


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