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Re: Trainwatching in Class- re: R-142A on the 2

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Thu Oct 26 11:38:31 2006, in response to Trainwatching in Class- re: R-142A on the 2, posted by Howard Fein on Thu Oct 26 10:37:27 2006.

Christ the King, right? That IS a great location!

Yup, CK High School, and wow, what a location, I wouldn't have traded it for anything. And that's when my railfan tendancies (gee is it like a disease?) began. Taking the subway everyday got me hooked (amazingly so, because the trains and subway looked like crap in the 80's.

Yes, I believe that location is informally (or perhaps in the past formally) called Bushwick Junction.

If you were in high school after 1988 or so, watching the M would have been very monotonous, as it was pretty much solid Mod 40/42 with occasional Slants thrown in.

Thankfully, it was in the years leading up to 1988 that I enjoyed the M views. It was a true treat, the crappiest line in the system perhaps, but man, was it colorful over those 4 years. I had seen it all from completely devastated R27-30, R16, R32, 38, 40, and 42's in the beginning, then watched as the blue doored R42's and R40 slants came by (interior only blue on the slants I think), and then a half a year of 100% R16 (man was that bad), and the the red R30's came....and finally, once I went to college, the R40-42 GOHed trains began to arrive.

couple of years ago we were a Little League game in Mafera Park, which forms the SW quadrant of the Junction and bordering the M ROW to the east.

My friend and I lived there in the summer, we would walk in at Fremont Tower, and walk over to the NY Connecting Bridge over the Montauk Branch, bring lunch, and sit there for hours. This was the early 90's by this time, when I was in college. No one bothered you. The LIRR engineers would even blow the horn and wave when we were standing on the bridge, and they went by underneath. SO much to see there.
Here's some photos I took about 1991 from the bridge...you could never do this today!!

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