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Re: J line extension to Bay Ridge after Second Avenue subway opens?

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Dec 11 17:32:06 2022, in response to Re: J line extension to Bay Ridge after Second Avenue subway opens?, posted by Allan on Sun Dec 11 15:20:35 2022.

I disagree.
The N covers the Broadway line through lower Manhattan overnight, and the Q covers the Canal st/Bridge route.
Neither covers 4th Ave below 59th 4th ave,and with trains every 20 minutes to a half hour depending on crew availability, even that is up for debate.

Given the circumstances, the J is the viable answer to a clear situation.
However, the problem with this isn't the fact that the MTA can't operate this extended J service.
They just won't do it.

There are enough trains for the J to operate (64 R160,96 R179,plus spares,out of ENY.)for current service levels,just barely.
Most of the equipment is given to the M line at 230 plus cars,while the L has its own fleet plus some CBTC equipped R160a cats.
Due to the fact that the Eastern Division only received a small amount of R160s from the first contract,(which is why the R42 and 32s were kept so long) and the 179s operating in C service are are purposely kept there due to an artificial reason.
In all actuality, there is Still a railcar shortage that the TA cannot recover from due to ridiculous decisions made by management.

The J does not have the equipment to include south Brooklyn service,and maintain some decent level of output.

At this point in time, the only way any line extension is possible is to bring the 179s over from the C.
And that opens another can of worms.

The R211 will Not be enough to put a dent into the car shortage, unless there is another 400 car order attached to the current contract, or another duplicate contact is let out.
The MTA scraped 260 R44 without replacement.
The option order of an additional R160s were canceled, but incorporated into the 300 car R179 order.
What they did wrong was not increasing the 179 order to 600 cars, delaying the 211s,and not ordering enough equipment with THAT ORDER.
With out the proper amount of the system runs bare minimum services,which is what we have now.
The W isn't a true line.
It's actually N trains that are being diverted to lower Manhattan.
Neither is the Z.

Even if you added the 6 Z trains to the J schedule, it still won't be enough.

Hopefully, the R211 will create enough of a impact along the A line to free up enough 179s for the Eastern Division routes.


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