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Re: Singapore MTR - Weep New Yorkers!

Posted by Allan on Thu Oct 21 18:49:45 2021, in response to Re: Singapore MTR - Weep New Yorkers!, posted by rashidas on Thu Oct 21 16:10:09 2021.

Why is it there are those who want to compare a 34 YO system like Singapore with a 117 YO system like NYC?

Yes. Singapore is more modern with air-conditioned stations when the bulk of the NYC Subway stations 1900 (first line which opened in 1904) and to 1940 when the 6th Avenue line opened) were built air conditioning was not something the builders considered as feasible.

When the Singapore system first opened in 1987 there were 5 stations. When the first line in NYC opened in 1904 there were 28 stations. In addition there were 4 elevated lines (which opened in the late 1870's) still in operation in Manhattan as well as a number of elevated lines in Brooklyn from the same period).

In the 34 years since Singapore opened there are 6 lines with 127 stations. Between 1904 and 1938 in NYC there were more than double that number of lines (built and operated by 3 different companies) and well over 300 stations. IN 1940, 2 of the companies (IRT and BMT) were in bankruptcy and purchased by the City of NY (which operated the IND system) and one system was created. The NYC system (subway and elevated portions now total 472 stations) with 26 routes.

In present day Singapore 3.4 million passengers daily(I am taking the number from wikipedia) in a fleet of 2,600 cars with an average train length of 3 to 6 cars, in NYC (pre-pandemic) 5.7 million passengers in a fleet of over 6,000 cars with an average train length of 8 to 10 cars.

Singapore system miles approx. 134
NYC System miles over 600

In NYC the newest stations (2nd Avenue line) are air-cooled.

I'll stop making any comparisons at this point if anyone else wants to continue OK by me).

So again, I'll give you that Singapore is more modern but based on the periods when the systems were built - you cannot properly compare them.


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