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Re: Anti-car democrats are a road hazard

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Mon Jun 14 00:37:09 2021, in response to Re: Anti-car democrats are a road hazard, posted by BrooklynBus on Sat Jun 12 16:50:13 2021.

And I never said anything about making streets more vehicle friendly, I just don’t want them to become less vehicle friendly.

You say the logical solution is a busway because getting rid of bike lanes impedes the objective of reducing traffic congestion when the opposite is true. A busway moves traffic congestion to neighboring streets. It doesn’t help get rid of it. It is also very inconvenient for someone who cannot use public transportation, by making them walk further.

Why? Making them less vehicle-friendly would encourage more people to ride bikes, walk, and use public transportation, which would not only help the environment, but it would also increase public safety, make cities more habitable, and last but not least, reduce traffic, which is what you want, right?

Trying to "build away" and/or accommodate traffic is a futile endeavor that has been disproven over and over again. Cars = traffic. Period. If you want to reduce traffic, you have to discourage people from driving by making it harder to drive.

The automobile congested streets so badly that streetcars couldn't compete anymore and had to be taken out of commission, ruining our public transportation system, and decimating neighborhoods all across the country that had to tear down buildings and parks to build space-wasting parking lots. Looks like things are finally starting to come full circle to me.

People love to marvel at how "advanced" Western Europe and Japan are, and don't realize that a huge part of that is because they built walkable cities based around public transportation.

I was just in Ocean City Md where they have a combined bus and bike lane. I am still trying to figure out how that works. If bikes supposed to pull over for buses to pass. Would something like that work here do you think?

No, that sounds like a bad collision waiting to happen. Buses and bikes should not travel in the same lane, although they should be able to share the same streets. The ideal busway would have buses running down a physically separated median, while bikes travel closer to the curb of the street.


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