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Re: Anti-car democrats are a road hazard

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Tue Jun 15 14:59:13 2021, in response to Re: Anti-car democrats are a road hazard, posted by Spider-Pig on Mon Jun 14 10:32:20 2021.

I’ve been to Western Europe, and they have suburban highways

Duh lol, suburbs were universally purposely designed to be spread out and unworkable, making car ownership a necessity if you live in one.

and a lot of underground parking garages.

Which is what should've and still should be done here. Often empty parking lots have decimated downtown areas all around America, and it's time to reclaim that space for the homes and businesses that belong there.

The streets are no less congested. All of those fancy boulevards in Paris are laned for traffic and heavily congested.

Like I said cars = traffic, and I'm pretty sure that most of that traffic is either comprised of delivery trucks or people coming to/from suburbs in those areas that don't have good public transportation.

Western Europe (and presumably Japan) are advanced because they build new transit lines to handle congestion instead of stopping in 1940 and then crowding more people into their already overcrowded transit system by fucking with drivers.

Which is what I'm advocating, I am advocating making it harder to drive and easier to get around on public transportation. Ironically enough it's far often the car owners who are impeding the growth of our public transportation system when improving our public transportation system would benefit them the most.

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