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Re: Anti-car democrats are a road hazard

Posted by BrooklynBus on Thu Jun 10 18:40:53 2021, in response to Re: Anti-car democrats are a road hazard, posted by randyo on Thu Jun 10 17:46:17 2021.

In 1978, when I was at the Department of City Planning, I did a three day study of the coordination between the subway and B41 and B44 during the evening rush hours to see if there could be better coordination. We found the buses leaving the subway only half full and wanted to know why. So we got copies of the subway arrivals and departures. As you remember, the subways were a mess back then, mostly with door problems. But it was worse than anyone knew. We found that half the trains leaving the Bronx never arrived at Flatbush Avenue with half the trains taken out of service mid route.

Therefore we couldn’t do anything about improving coordination because buses couldn’t be held ten minutes for the next train.

The other major finding which is still appropriate was that running short services on those routes from the Junction south saved the buses because so many were getting stuck in traffic north of the Junction. We found that with the short services no one had to wait at the Junction more than 10 minutes for a bus with the average wait much lower. However, without those short services, the waits would have been up to 45 minutes because the gaps were that great on the long route.

So what does the MTA do? They eliminate all the short services. I am sure that now with SBS and bus lanes, the waits are now greater than ten minutes during the evening rush.

As far as your Robert Moses comment, you are correct, but I wonder how big of a problem are the NIMBYs in getting things done. Could you provide some examples where they have been stumbling blocks besides the Rockaway Beach Line?

When they made a big deal of the Little Park that was just opened at 14 Street and mentioned it took 8 years of planning, I couldn’t help comparing it wit Robert Moses Building 300 playgrounds in one year.


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