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Re: MTA Metro-North Railroad Penn Station Access - The new station locations and track maps/diagrams

Posted by Q23 on Wed May 26 04:28:55 2021, in response to Re: MTA Metro-North Railroad Penn Station Access - The new station locations and track maps/diagrams, posted by Spider-Pig on Tue May 25 09:41:23 2021.

What you're saying applies more for those living near the proposed station location, and not so much for most sections of Co-Op City. If you're traveling to the West Side, you may need to transfer to/from the BxM7, but if you're taking the train and need to get to areas away from Penn Station, you either walk it or need to transfer. It may work out better using Metro North for those near the station, but for others it just won't. Most people are off the BxM7 by the time it reaches 34th Street anyways.

I'll give you an example for someone working near Columbus Circle:

The BxM7 from Palmer Ave to 58th Street is 48 minutes during the AM Rush. Walking to 8th Ave would be 11 minutes, a crosstown bus is 8 minutes with a wait time of 3 minutes and 1 minute walk from the BxM7 stop(assumed from half the headway of the M31 and M57). So you're looking at about an hour no matter what you do after getting off the BxM7, with the total cost being $6.75.

The train would be somewhere around 35 minutes from the Co-Op City station (and that might be low balling it by a bit). Getting to the subway from Penn may take 1-3 minutes, assume wait time is half the headway for the (1) train at that time (2-3 minutes) and the subway ride from 34th Street to 59th Street is 6 minutes roughly. So in total, that's 44-47 minutes using Metro North + subway. Total cost during peak hours would be $12.75 assuming Co-Op City is in the same fare zone as Fordham.

Now, for anyone else having to take the bus to the train station (which is basically all sections), there will be another added wait time for connections from bus to train. The BxM7 and local buses take roughly the same amount of time from each section to the area near Erskine Place, but there will need to be adequate time for connections between the bus and Metro North. So those 10-13 minutes in savings, suddenly drops. If you're only giving yourself 5 minutes to connect on the Bronx end, that's pushing it because the bus can be late, and could lead you to miss your train. And at that rate, your time savings drops down to 8-11 minutes.

Even if there is some time savings while doing all of that, the question then becomes do I want to spend almost twice the express bus fare to saving a bit of time while increasing my walking distance or the connections I have to make?


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