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Re: Trump's budget slashes Amtrak funding, phases out long-distance routes

Posted by Osmosis Jones on Sun Feb 16 19:19:42 2020, in response to Re: Trump's budget slashes Amtrak funding, phases out long-distance routes, posted by Joe V on Sun Feb 16 19:01:09 2020.

A small fraction of people on those train will ride buses, which do not exist in any case.

If few people ride the trains, and fewer would ride the buses, and there isn't enough political interest to improve the travel times and/or transportation infrastructure to these smaller cities, then perhaps there isn't any travel demand to these cities in the first place anymore and it's time to move on. If they want to keep their supposedly coveted rail service then they can ride it and/or fight for it, which thankfully a lot of these places are doing.

If you have been too ignorant to follow the SW Chief issue over the past 2 years, that's your problem.

Yeah okay, me and you both would be hard pressed to find any credible source to corroborate your notion that the bus bridge was "dangerous".

The NEC gets $750 million in federal subsidies. Throw 23 states off the map, it would get $0.

The Northeast Corridor pretty much pays for itself as well as some the long-distance losers, and connects some of the most populated cities in the United States with each other. Nothing would happen to it even if the feds were to fall on their heads one day and decided to stop subsidizing it.

This is a VERY stupid argument you are picking.

There is no argument, if rail service were to be cut to these cities, then subsidizing bus service or perhaps even Uber rides to these cities would be the cheapest replacement.


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