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Re: WMATA: Not So Clandestine Run Of 6 Car Consist Of 7k Cars In Automatic Mode

Posted by Sand Box John on Sun Jul 8 00:06:21 2018, in response to Re: WMATA: Not So Clandestine Run Of 6 Car Consist Of 7k Cars In Automatic Mode, posted by WMATAGMOAGH on Sat Jul 7 22:51:20 2018.

I think we'll see ATO before we see 6 car 7000 Series trains on a regular basis.

That's why I stated " one or two things". I happen to believe 7k 6 car consists are inevitable as there will not be enough cars to fill a peak service time sheet with all the available 7k cars running in 8 car consists.

Apparently there are all sorts of potential issues with shunting a disabled 7000 Series train in any configuration other than ABBAABBA.

As you probably know by now, WMATA has assembled and operated 8 car consisted in all of the possible configuration in revenue service. They have on at least one occasion, I am told, have had to dead head a bad order part of a train to Falls Church Yard from the hostler cab.

Do you know if Central has the ability to modify the speed limit for a given section of track on the fly and/or permit/disallow ATO on a given section of track? I ask because if so (or if this can be done easily enough), some of the concerns about returning to ATO can be worked out quite easily. As it is, you could also just have a "flagger" like in NYC who ensures trains enter work zones using manual control, but they operate in ATO outside of those areas.

To my knowledge yes. I would hazard a guess WMATA has created a list of procedures and checks that has to be run through before the execute button can be pushed making it somewhat impractical. A work around could be as simple as writing a catalog of pretested script that run through procedures and checks before executing the speed limit changes.

Also, I've heard absolutely nothing about a fix that would allow for trains to return to automatic door openings, but I think it would be good policy to allow 6 car trains in ATO to return to center berthing, while having manually operated trains stop at the far end of the platform.

There is one poster on redit.com that I believe is a WMATA employee with knowledge on such matters that says all of the fixes have been made related to over shooting, wrong side and or off the platform door openings and hardware upgrades related to the 06 22 2009 Fort Totten wreck. The switch could be thrown tomorrow to restore fully automatic operation, but hasn't because one or more of the suits that need to sign off the OK to thrown said switch is dealing with a severe case of CYA.

John in the sand box of Maryland's eastern shore.


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