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Re: Washington Metro criticized for not extending hours last night due to Nationals Game

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Tue Oct 18 19:35:04 2016, in response to Re: Washington Metro criticized for not extending hours last night due to Nationals Game, posted by Andrew Saucci on Mon Oct 17 22:42:02 2016.

Monthly pass commuters don't really get as much a discount over the "true fare". A lot of the cost of a fare goes into fixed costs that are only used to their potential during rush hour. Monthly passes always cost more than 40 x one fare. So unless they are making multiple trips during each rush hour, the extra rides they use to bring their cost per ride down are all occurring outside of the time when equipment is used the most. While off peak service costs money to provide, there still is a lot of overhead being wasted outside peak. By incentivising people to ride transit over other forms (simply because "they already paid for it") they are better able to reduce car traffic during off peak times, which makes life easier for pretty much everyone.

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