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Re: HBLR Extension

Posted by Joe V on Wed Oct 12 07:22:43 2016, in response to Re: HBLR Extension, posted by NIMBYkiller on Tue Oct 11 22:46:25 2016.

NS just told Amtrak (nicely) to go eff themselves with any service on the former LV RR. NJT has trackage rights to P-Burg, but not beyond. SO - to get across, one would have to pay NS a ransom for capacity expansion.

Now - as far as people riding it goes, an express train would get caught up with RVL locals, you'd have to fill a 6 car train of MLV cars to justify it, and there are only 22 Trans Bridge and 8 Carl Beiber buses doing the I-78 run to begin with. Most cars on I-78 turnover as they pass through Somerset and Hunterdon Counties. so the rail market just isn't there. IOW, most Manhattan commuter from I-78 in Pennsylvania are already on buses, and that market is not that much - about 1.7% of the total bus volume.

Ditto for I-80 and Martz. They have about 33 buses. Most cars passing through the Water Gap tolls are headed for north Jersey jobs. A Cutoff train would have its uses, with feeder buses to office parks in the sprawl, even though it would be slow, but would not do much harm to Martz.

I'd rather go after Hudson County, which is the most densely populated, and has a much higher percentage of Manhattan workers than other counties. Commuter and Intercity rail plans such as Gateway does absolutely nothing for them.

Other than Northern Branch lRT to Englewood, your items 1, 2, and 3 are not on anybody's radar screen.


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