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Re: HBLR Extension

Posted by NIMBYkiller on Tue Oct 11 22:28:36 2016, in response to Re: HBLR Extension, posted by Joe V on Tue Oct 11 19:18:34 2016.

I am considering the time it takes to reach the actual destination, not sure why you think otherwise. And again, I'm strongly against building an expanded PABT, and even more so against moving it away from it's current location. 2 parts of the reason it takes 40mins to hour to reach the PABT from 15X are because
1. Too many buses bringing people in, many of which could be replaced (partially or entirely) by rail service
2. Too many people driving because mass transit isn't convenient for them. Again, an issue that could be softened by an improved infrastructure. And before you say park and ride at Secaucus, all that is going to do is move the bottleneck to Secaucus.

And then you have the additional issue in the PM of buses having to park in NJ and deadhead in. This also needs to be addressed by developing a bus parking facility near the PABT. If rail capacity could be expanded, the rail network could be expanded. If the rail network could be expanded, then number of buses operating in the PABT/XBL could be reduced (and fewer cars driving into Manhattan as well), with only areas that have no other option retaining heavy bus service. If the number of buses operating into the PABT/XBL and cars driving into Manhattan could be reduced, you'd have less of a backup getting into the tunnel and PABT, and if you have less of a backup, you have a shorter travel time. You also then have a PABT that doesn't need to be replaced, but rather is able to efficiently serve the bus routes that need to exist.


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