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Re: Differences and how things are factored in

Posted by Dupont Circle Station on Wed May 4 09:06:21 2016, in response to Re: Differences and how things are factored in, posted by Wallyhorse on Tue May 3 22:31:32 2016.

You are way off base. Your plans have been turned to Swiss cheese by those of us who actually understand scheduling and resource allotment. You keep changing the basis of your argument to ever more tenuous arguments. All of them are plain BS.

Anyone can sue MTA if they have sufficient financial resources and a complaint that has a legitimate chance of prevailing. Any judge who might decide against MTA because of a personal grudge or agenda is not an impartial jurist and would have their decision negated (and likely be removed from the bench) for violating the basic tenet of justice. In the meantime, while this legal drama was going on, something absolutely awful happens because the repairs weren't being made; or were being made with service running. The people who brought suit would then be fair game for a boatload of civil damages suits.

Politics ultimately goes along with what can be most expeditiously executed with the least amount of potential blowback and best potential for looking good when it's all said and done. No politician who wants to keep making money during and after office is going to risk creating a public interest or safety debacle. MTA has already presented valid public safety concerns about what happens if the work is not performed as quickly as possible. MTA has already presented the case and plans for improving convenience by expanding access to First Av and Bedford Av. MTA has already justified the need to shut down the tunnel and the Manhattan side of the line to get the work done. Manhattan service is simply not doable because of the lack of required infrastructure to operate and maintain trains without access to Brooklyn. One mishap and whoever was responsible for compelling MTA to operate in spite of their warnings will have their career ended.

In the end, your fantasy subway map is simply not going to happen anytime in the foreseeable future. In all probability, never. You may keep putting up all the infeasible and nonsensical routing plans you want; however, they will continue to be torn up in your face. Your lame whining about political intervention is where you and 33rd Street are soul mates; though, you are more passive-agressive about it.


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