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Re: Someone remind me, what is the point of light rail again?

Posted by ElectricTraction on Thu Sep 3 16:53:38 2015, in response to Re: Someone remind me, what is the point of light rail again?, posted by AEM-7AC #901 on Wed Sep 2 23:17:58 2015.

If you actually bother to look at the average speeds of MN trains, you'd find that the freights would have to SLOW DOWN to be on the local tracks, so they would probably run with Amtrak on the express tracks. Even if the track and bridges were upgraded to the maximum speeds that would be possible given the physical constraints of the ROW, a 100 car intermodal with a pair or trio of 10,000HP 6-axle electric motors set up in a DPU configuration wouldn't have an issue keeping up except for the short 90mph section in NY, where the freight would likely max out at 79. Mixed freights would probably do best at late night, although shorter ones could run during midday.

If anything, New Rochelle would be the single bottleneck of the whole system. It's a bad junction with no solution except to try and schedule trains on and off the Hell Gate together between gaps in the New Haven.

Imagine a 125 car electric TOFC roaring up the Bay Ridge line between two TriboroRX trains running at <15 minute intervals, over the Hell Gate, passing MN/NJT pooled dual locomotive push/pull sets going to Penn, Amtrak HSR sets, and Regionals, and then joining the all-4-track New Haven Line to continue to the re-electrified Cedar Hill! Oh, the foam!

There's not enough slots for freights during either rush hour, so they would have to run mid-day or overnight.

The garbage has to go somewhere. With the Cross-Harbor tunnel, that section of MN would see less freight traffic. The New Haven Line would see more.


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