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Re: What's the obsession with making the subway go EVERYWHERE?

Posted by ElectricTraction on Fri Aug 21 19:54:27 2015, in response to Re: What's the obsession with making the subway go EVERYWHERE?, posted by NIMBYkiller on Fri Aug 21 11:15:29 2015.

I think that's more of an argument for a better system for in-city fares, be it a single unified fare, or a cheaper version of the existing fair system. I wouldn't say that you're shit out of luck. With LIRR, people could take the train via Far Rockaway, and end up in Jamaica, or they could go the RBB direction and connect to the A or J trains. With a restored connection to the Atlantic Ave line, people could go that way and take various subways. If my crazy foamer Subway and LIRR two tracks each plan could be pulled off, that would give cross-connectivity to the Queens Blvd line. Even without that, people would have more options to go more places than the way it is currently, which was basically a bizarre and desperate move to maintain some sort of service to Rockaway, even if it wasn't the right kind of service.

It should rapid-transit-like frequency via a combination of shuttle trains that go up the Far Rockaway branch, and then up close to Rego Park, through trains to Atlantic Avenue, Far Rockaway trains to Jamaica, and of course trains to Manhattan via the RBB.

The PW branch has ZERO stops between Shitti Field and the Main Line. There was to be an opportunity for a few stations in there. Sure, it serves the outer portion well, but no the inner portion.

Yeah, that would be a interesting option, and it would solve the fare issue on RBB. I'm not sure how exactly you'd administer a system that spans onboard and offboard fare collection, but I'm sure someone could figure that out...


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