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Re: What's the obsession with making the subway go EVERYWHERE?

Posted by ElectricTraction on Wed Aug 19 16:02:24 2015, in response to Re: What's the obsession with making the subway go EVERYWHERE?, posted by fdtutf on Wed Aug 19 12:47:58 2015.

1. Yes, but couldn't the city have had the political power to keep it running? It just doesn't belong as part of the subway. It's too far away from the core of the subway system. It's subway creep, so to speak. Why couldn't a political deal be worked out to have some sort of within-city ticket combo with a Metrocard swipe for LIRR and MN within NYC? It would have to be more than $2.25, but maybe $4 or $5 or something for both, and for better service at that. LIRR also needs to step up operations within NYC on the other lines.

2. That sounds like a ferry/SIR operational coordination problem. If they added the North Shore branch, they would have more people on SIR, and could better coordinate their operations. I suppose it still doesn't help on the return trip, since you can't coordinate the entire subway system with the Staten Island Ferry. I guess it would be easier in that sense, but is that worth the big $$$ for a subway connection?

It also just seems like subway creep... the system getting larger than what a rapid transit system is really intended to be. In a way, it makes sense, since the SIR is basically a B Division subway without the underground part, but still... The direct tunnel to Manhattan would save a lot of time, but it would be absurdly expensive. Flip side, property values on SI would jump, people could get to work way faster, and it would be an awesome tunnel.

If you were to ask me how to speed up travel to SI, I'd say get some faster boats!


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