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Re: De Blasio Want To Expand The Subway

Posted by WillD on Fri Apr 24 00:57:02 2015, in response to Re: De Blasio Want To Expand The Subway, posted by JAzumah on Fri Apr 24 00:37:21 2015.

So we reward shoddy work on MDD's part by throwing more money at the defense industrial complex's latest, even more expensive offering? Never mind that the cracks which grounded the F-15 fleet happened back in 2008 and were repaired for around $250,000 per aircraft, about 1/500th the cost of a new F-35, it simply needs to be stated that the DoD needs to do a serious needs assessment. There may need to be a draw-down in the number of active squadrons if we are to have any hope of tackling the national debt.

Rather, I would buy 25 Saabs to "test" as defensive fighters and threaten to buy more if the price of new fighters doesn't come down

How is that going to help anything? Like the US Navy's F-16Ns, all you'll end up with is a unique fleet which will cost that much more to maintain, especially at a time when a number of early model F-15s and F-18s are being cascaded into the sort of aggressor roles a Gripen would find itself in.

By promoting competition with similar, less complex systems, we can naturally bring the price down.

And what makes you think any of this would work? There is no competition in the defense industry, domestic or international. Sure, there's titualarly some competition between Airbus Military, LockMart, and Boeing, but the US and EU make sure that whatever losses they take abroad are made up at home. Saab got out of defense contracting. The Gripen is now produced by British Aerospace, which is a partner in the F-35. What makes you think they're going to sit idly by while you threaten their corporate profits yet go hat in hand asking them to produce you Gripens? You're gonna end up being sold Gripens at F-35 prices.

The only thing the DoD and the defense industrial complex is going to pay attention to is when the magical money spigot starts getting turned off.


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