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Re: WMATA Observations

Posted by New Flyer #857 on Wed Mar 25 13:03:49 2015, in response to Re: WMATA Observations, posted by terRAPIN station on Wed Mar 25 12:01:59 2015.

We have different views of money. Anything under $100 is pocket change to me. But I feel bad handing cashiers and other retailers $50s because it zaps them of change. I don't have $50s on me all the time. Like right now I don't. But if I have one, I like to put it in the MVM. I don't know how much faster it could be. Select to refill, Insert card, insert $50 bill, take card back, select whether I want receipt or not. No need to visit MVM for a long time and no need to ever be reminded of the transaction ever again, and I got rid of a pesky $50 bill, wherever it is I got it from (birthday gift, bank, or whatever).

BTW Do they still want the zip code for using a credit card at the MVM? Is there also a moment when it says it's "processing?"

Regarding the second card, if there were MVMs at all bus stops statewide where there are buses that take MetroCards, I would not care for the second card. But this is not the case. If there was a special way to pay the sidewalk for a MetroCard to magically appear so that I can get on the bus, or if the bus took dollar bills and/or made change, then again I would not feel the need to carry around the second card.

Good point on the 30-day unlimited. If I used it, I would use a credit card.

I know how fast plastic is. I have a debit card, which can be used as credit or debit.

Do the cash back deals max out at some point? That's often another thing too, they will make it so you can't possibly earn more than $100 back total in any given year, which like I said is pocket change to me and not worth supervising another account.

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