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Re: Orange Is the New Black actress vs. Homophobic moron preacher on uptown (M) train

Posted by Nilet on Thu Nov 13 08:24:14 2014, in response to Re: Orange Is the New Black actress vs. Homophobic moron preacher on uptown (M) train, posted by Dyre Dan on Thu Nov 13 07:34:39 2014.

No, I don't think there is anything "immoral" about consensual sex between two men, it is merely something distasteful to most people. That seems to be a reaction common to people in all cultures, so you could say it is part of human nature.

It's hardly common to all cultures, and it's certainly not part of human nature.

And whatever is part of our intrinsic nature can be said, in a manner of speaking, to have been ordained by God.

Um, no. If it's intrinsic to our nature, the most we can say about it is that it helped our ancestors reproduce or it was a harmless side effect of something that did or that it was a detrimental side effect of something that did but not severe enough to overcome the primary benefit or maybe that it was always detrimental but it appeared at the mouth of a population bottleneck and we're stuck with its genetic legacy— or maybe it was just an odd result of an entirely unguided process that can't plan ahead.

I'm not sure what manner of speaking you're thinking of, but it's probably not English.

Not a God who writes "commandments" into holy texts that become the scriptures of particular religions - clearly all those texts were written by human beings. But a God who is a metaphorical personification of the creative power of the universe, a power which gave rise to our existence. I do feel it can be a useful metaphor to personify that power as having a will or desires, even though I don't literally believe that there is a separate conscious being who literally created everything by an act of "His" will.

OK, so "God" is a metaphor for shit happening— a "personification" of all the physical and chemical reactions that gave rise to the universe.

See, the problem is that this statement is perfectly consistent with the one above— if "God" is a word we use to mean "shit that happened, with no consciousness, personality, or intent behind it" then of course our intrinsic nature is "ordained by God." However, that contradicts your next statement...

So I have little patience either for religious literalists who point to some obscure passages in the Bible as evidence of "God's will", nor for aggressive atheists who think it is somehow a sign of intelligence to ridicule the beliefs of others by calling God an "imaginary friend" or comparable to a "Spaghetti Monster", etc.

Where you claim you have little patience for "aggressive" atheists who call God the conscious human-like being of religions an "imaginary friend" comparable to a spaghetti monster even though you believe exactly that yourself.


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