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R32 roof vents covered up -- why?

Posted by gbs on Tue Sep 16 22:21:11 2014

Walking over the Williamsburg Bridge gives you a great close-up view of the roof-tops of the trains passing next to you and, at the mid-span cross-over, below you. Here's what I noticed today:

1) The four corner roof-top vents on the R32's are all covered up and closed, with some make-shift metal sheets. Why? Don't the a/c's have to vent out their warm air? The vents must have been there for a purpose.

2) The same (but rusty) vents are open on the R42's.

3) The roof-top fans on the R160's were all not running today (low-70's temperature), but I'm sure the a/c's were running in the cars, since they're always on. So the roof-top fans don't blow the air inside the cars. So what do the roof-top fans do, and where are the fans that blow in the cars?

Every rail fan should walk (or bike) over the Willy B at least once. It's a great experience, and you don't have to go all the way to the other side if you don't want to; just go up half way to the cross-over, or to the opposite anchorage, and then turn back. It's well worth it, and always nicely populated, so you never feel alone or vulnerable. Take the F to Delancey St, or the J, M, or Z to Essex St, and get a peek at the former trolley terminal while you're there.


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