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Re: 76th Street (Was: Re: posting)

Posted by JOE @ NYCTMG - NYCMTS on Sun Aug 21 20:55:21 2005, in response to Re: 76th Street (Was: Re: posting), posted by JOE @ NYCTMG - NYCMTS on Fri Aug 19 12:24:25 2005.


Hello Guys,

and Chris GP 38/R-42 and Kevin (SELKIRK) (MOOo..)

First off, let me state that YES, I also, likewise, feel Chris is one of the more regularly responsible and informative long-time posters here at S/C (and former S/T) and have always found his posts (as well as MANY posters here) data and factually informative, interesting, occasionally humerous.

Chris, my post about your faux-photo did not address, not critique, anything ELSE about what "YOU" per se, post, write, here regularly...just ONLY about the photo and its obvious "flaws" (intended or otherwise by you...heh !!) and if ANYONE here thinks or read into my post that I was "bashing" or such sort, to, of, you, that is an unintended misconception I want to address.

No, you dont owe me anything (NOTHING) as my buddy Unca (MOOOooo...OINK) Kevin states, as you, for a long time here and at S/T, have held and hold your own excellently in my view and to set the record straight for any "misconceptions" my post may have raised about about the usual general quality of what you present regularly to this board...well, I just have done so!

My issue was only to address the photo ITSELF...not so much why but how is was created. Without an immediately added disclaimer that it was a joke "fake" photo...there are many "guests" who read this board who may have thought it authentic in glancing thru the quite lengthy thread. I guess it was because I didnt expect passing that type of "joke" coming from some like you...tho done all in fun as it turns out.

Joe Brennen is a renowned and fellow historian who's "76th St Page", originated with no "disclaimer" within it, created a HUGE thread of sorts at former SUB TALK and fooled countless many there UNTIL it was posted later that is was an Aprils Fools Joke by him, and he didnt expect ALL that controversy would be raised !!

He had even placed a doctored photo faux "clue" of an R-10 in MTA (SELKIRK Kevin's MOST FAVORITE colors) in a period-era setting of long before that color scheme existed on those cars. I then had immediately caught it and so did a few others here...but the thread raged on and on pro & con, ...based upon Brennan's fine reputation for posting only documented facts on his Website Transit Pages (Ie: HOW could what "HE" posted NOT be authentic if ITS ON his website ??)

I guess its (my posted reaction) because in most of my professional life and professional caliber endeavors, the strict "accuracy and fidelity" of what my various professions expected, required, of me, evokes at times, such strictness, "seriousness", as ingrained in me for decades. Those who know me well understand, appreciate and tolerate it from me. Its called reputation.

<><><> NOW ON TO KEVIN...you MOOO-KOW-&-Oink<><><>

...I did NOT per se single you out at "My Place" !! You know we all love ya and know ya there...our "reveered" Bearded Curmudgeon there and Foster Brooks look alike (somewhat) . One of our fellow NYCTMG members posted (yeah, and YOU saw it ALSO there) about getting "worked over" HERE for a simple question he asked....and he thanked me for my posting about the photo nonsense and other "issues" here. It was in my reply to him, that I casually (and respecfully in your, umm case) mentioned about you spending SO much time here...but all of us over there KNOW why (and you stated over there why, at times) you do so over here...for fun and amusement. Also you can rant here on your favorite peeves more freely...as UNCA LARRY here isnt as ummm, tough as old UNCA Joe is (is, but rarely, except when needed) over there.

So to set THAT record straight....you know where you stand with ME "in the cab" at NYCTMG...so do all others there...I bust em rarely for you just as you occasionally do for me...sort of like when you HERE refered to my "CHEESY TV Camera" for my photos. (MOOOoo..)

BUT, as only you (and my other NYCTMG members) were privy recently to my MTH R-1 R-1 "Production-Finished Pilot Car Model" photos and -- NOW -- somewhere its Blizzard snowing and mountains are shifting in August because I FINALLY did get you "MR ARNINE" to ORDER an MTH R-1 IND Set to replace those CHEESY Jap subway car N scale models as Arnine substitues, -- based on those photos !

So, you DO have hope Kevin...next will be track, switches, then a layout room, CTC panel boards, --I better stop now. Or then you'll buy our pal HEYPAUL's R-1/9 MM Cab to stand in to run your MTH Set. (AFTER you "reverse" the AB & Controller stand positions and replace that OTIS cotroller job for the proper handle....!

But you KNOW and see that we ALSO have fun at "my place" at times (like the, your, "HONARKS Escapade" photos re-created via my models, I posted way back) and in moderation, and occasionally vent our bladders on "issues" pro and con (ie: recent Grafitti & the NYC Graf Party issue (heh). And you have contributed MUCH good in the ...ummm, heh, tho much smaller volume of posts over there as opposed to, aaah, here.

Regards !! - Joe


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