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Re: Port Authority commish wants new bus terminal, not WTC; 7 train to NJ - not dead yet.

Posted by Wallyhorse on Wed Mar 26 21:02:51 2014, in response to Port Authority commish wants new bus terminal, not WTC; 7 train to NJ - not dead yet., posted by Gold_12th on Wed Mar 26 15:44:36 2014.

If you're going to expand rail service to New Jersey, I still think the best way would be to have the (7) AND (L) BOTH go to New Jersey. In the case of the (L), it could be part of a major project that also would expand all stations on the line to 670 feet to allow for 10-car trains where each car is 67 feet (maximum allowed in the Eastern Division). That to me would be the way to do this.


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