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Re: 76th Street Station - Photos?

Posted by Dupont Circle Station on Tue Jun 26 19:28:59 2012, in response to Re: 76th Street Station - Photos?, posted by MainR3664 on Tue Jun 26 17:31:57 2012.

The *ONLY* reference to service to 76th was Joe Brennan's April Fool joke 10 years ago. All that I have read otherwise is that the ROW and a station shell were built. I also have a vague recollection of someone who was a m/m long, long ago saying on SubTalk they parked a layup(s?) back there in the 1950s and 1960s. The signals at least as far as The Dirty Wall were lit-up, possibly as late as the 1970s. Anecdotal evidence suggests that there were rails laid at least a short distance beyond The Dirty Wall.

Now, whether the construction ended a few feet beyond The Dirty Wall (and accounts of being in a ghost station are invalid) or to 79th (and there was/is a shell) is anyone's guess. I would not discount the latter as we well know that TPTB don't always know what they know or don't know.

I strongly doubt there is any kind of conspiracy going on. Many records from construction of the revenue section of the original IND were largely lost, destroyed as no longer necessary, or neglected and gone to seed. Some twit put stuff in the wrong cabinet, then an over-zealous neat freak got rid of them as being expired some time after the decision was made to not continue Pitkin. This happened with the 108th Street "spur" and could well be the same for Pitkin. There was a discussion about how records beyond construction diagrams from the Fulton and Liberty Junction connections were few to be had, even how some key documentation of 63rd Street could not be located when they had to go and rebuild the roadbed. People who insist there is a conspiracy obviously have absolutely no idea what can happen with paper records in an office.

If construction to/past 76th did occur and was abruptly halted prior to WWII, that could have well been due to an unforeseen geological or hydrological impediment. Remember: We're talking about 1930s technology which couldn't find a lot of things until you hit them. I would expect the water table in that area to be problematic at depth. If it couldn't be mitigated within the budget, then that certainly would put the kibosh on further construction. If something like that happened, and by the time they were ready to resume construction no new, economically feasible solutions to the problem came along, abandoning it altogether for a path of less resistance would be logical. Fill it in and just forget about it.

If someone wants to see if there is/ever was a station shell there, then put your money where your mouth is and get a pro to run some sensors over the street. A tunnel or station shell would have steel reflections from the walls and supports in an undeniable pattern whether it's filled-in or not.

Less high tech would be to do a FOIA request of DDOT for street excavation permits issued around there say from 1934-41 and again from 1945-62. There had to have been one or more permits issued for digging up Pitkin at least as far Grant Av where the yard is; those might yield the furthest extent of construction, at least as far as planning went. Anything after 1945 could identify a back-fill project.

As far as I'm concerned, unless and until someone goes and does either or both of these things AND posts their findings *INCLUDING* clear scans of the specific documentation, anyone bringing up the subject should be instructed how to use Google to find the old threads about it and advised to undertake a verification effort if they want to contribute something new.


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