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Re: High Speed Rail vs Really Fast Regional Rail

Posted by Wado MP73 on Fri Apr 27 04:14:59 2012, in response to Re: High Speed Rail vs Really Fast Regional Rail, posted by NIMBYkiller on Fri Apr 27 00:48:16 2012.

Portal is between Newark and NYP.

Between NYP and BOS, ignoring the terminalish area from NYP to Gate, there is the speed limit of SHELL, 100 mph speed limit on MNR land and its four or five draw bridges, two or three more bridges that opens in CT Amtrak land, I don't think they exist anymore but there were grade crossings east of NH and the curves on the Shore line is still a big factor, even though NH to Providence is where the 150 mph sections exist now. I'm sure I forgot some other choke points.

When you think of business, politics and geography, that line should have a HSL run through Hartford and leave the Shore line for tourists.

Boston is closer to New York than DC. But you would only realize it when you fly both ways. It was the bridges, curves, engine changes and slower diesels that kept the shuttles share high for so long. I mean when I went there in the late eighties trains took four to five hours, shuttles 45 minutes (+blue line).

Claytor said at the time the run will eventually become shorter than NY-DC but that hasn't happened yet.


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