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Re: Atlantic Avenue (Fulton/Canarsie)

Posted by Avid Reader on Sat Jan 14 11:07:07 2012, in response to Re: Atlantic Avenue (Fulton/Canarsie), posted by jabrams on Sat Jan 14 10:31:05 2012.

As a Kid, in the early 1950's, my dad had a small, limited hobby of HO trains.
The only local store we knew of , was in downtown Brooklyn on Atlantic Ave, towards the area near the "new" Raymond St. Jail.

My family would pile into my dads 1949, 4 door, straight six, Chevy DeLuxe, and head west on Atlantic Ave. from South Ozone Park.

The highlight of the trip for me, was when we passed Pennsylvania Ave.
I would strain to see the activity on the el structure, as we rose up with the roadway, as the LIRR tracks rose to go over the cut.

I can not recall ever passing that way, and not seeing a train going in some direction.
At the time, I did not know all of the lines, or car types, but I recall Multis, and articulates of some type.
It was usually in the evening, so seeing the interior lights blink as trains went over switches, and arching of third rail shoes was always added treats.
Now, I guess all of the activity was trains going to the ENY yards.

Next, we would follow Atlantic Ave. with the LIRR above us.
With luck, a train would roar overhead. If I was lucky the LIRR train would be at the portals, as we passed by.

Just waiting for that Time Machine, to travel back, with a Digital Camera.

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