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Re: Not the first time he said it

Posted by Train Dude on Fri Sep 23 21:51:16 2011, in response to Re: Not the first time he said it, posted by JohnL on Fri Sep 23 21:04:28 2011.

Let me try to explain it to you despite the obvious lack of size and functionality of what we laughingly refer to as your brain. When I was employed by the NYCT, I was given certain duties for which I was compensated. Also, during my employment, I was promised certain benefits upon my retirement. As I rose through the ranks, my salary and responsibility increased. Of course on holidays, when you were making your family miserable by being home with them, I was likely performing my assigned duties. When you were all cozy during snow storms, I was likely performing my duties. When you were hiding under your bed during emergencies like floods, collisions and even 9/11, I was responding to those emergencies.

So now I'm retired after fulfilling my part of the bargain to the NYCT, the MTA and the people of NY. In return, I get those same benefits that I partially paid for and for which I earned every day that I was employed.

For the record, I retired with over 320 sick days on the books and over 110 vacation days that were unused. So for a little shithead like you to insinuate that I didn't earn that pension, you've succeeded in annoying me. But then, for the 30 or 40 past and current NYCT employees who post here, let me say this. You don't like it - too fucking bad. Those who are collecting, may they collect forever and those who will collect - may they collect soon and reap their rewards too. As for my miserable life, you have no idea how miserable having a great family, great friends and time & money to do most of what I want to do for the rest of my life, can make you. I hope that you are never that miserable.


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