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Re: Liberals ARE smarter than conservatives.

Posted by JayMan on Tue Mar 15 00:23:40 2011, in response to Re: Liberals ARE smarter than conservatives., posted by LuchAAA on Tue Mar 15 00:02:08 2011.

how can they be "ethnic" Jews if I specifically stated that they observer sabbath and maintain a kosher diet?

I'm not doubting that the Jews you mentioned are religious. I'm saying that ethnic (Ashkenazi) Jews as a whole contains many atheists, if not a majority.

I know a lot of atheists. They have high IQ's in most cases, but are dysfunctional in so many ways. Most are lonely and middle-aged. They are not only incapable of commitment to God, but often incapable of commitment to others, which is why they are alone. They are selfish, nasty, condescending, and will die alone in this world.

Ah. Then these are just the atheists you know. Obviously most atheists don't have these problems.

Their religious counterparts may not have the "social skills" you point out, but even that is debatable. To me, the people who observe a religion are very functional in a social setting.

I didn't say social skills...I said social ills like not being married/divorcing, committing crimes (or least getting caught! ;) and such, as mentioned in the video. All these things occur less often among atheists.

But, IQ is correlated with introversion and neuroticism.


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