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Re: Laws Laws Laws

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Tue Jan 4 18:56:05 2011, in response to Re: Laws Laws Laws, posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Jan 4 18:49:15 2011.

Budget cuts over many many years are responsible for the lack of maintenance in public areas of those buildings. Those warehouses for the poor were a bad idea from the get-go. I offer Cabrini in Chicago as the prime example. I can see blaming the tenants for the condition of individual apartments outside of the building infrastructure itself.

Take a trip up to the South Bronx where government built NEW housing and you'll see that your ditty isn't at all accurate. But that's beside the point. There are some mighty awful landlords in the city, I paid my rent on time and it was substantial when I lived there. My building looked no better than a project after years of LLC's and neglect. And that ceiling in your photo looks a HELL of a lot better than the bathroom ceiling in my apartment when I moved out of the city.

And for my final comment, back to where I started, you can't be terribly sane in the first place if you want to endure all that shit in the first place for so little return on your investment.

Like I said, the small landlords who rent out their building deserve a much fairer system than there is. As for the absentee landlords, they should be swinging from a lamp post. That all said, I agree that the standards in most major cities are extremely unfair to the GOOD landlords ... but those are seriously in the minority already.


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