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Re: Atheist Billboard At Lincoln Tunnel Approach

Posted by Henry R32 #3730 on Fri Dec 3 17:06:45 2010, in response to Re: Atheist Billboard At Lincoln Tunnel Approach, posted by JayMan on Wed Dec 1 21:07:55 2010.

The weak definition of "atheist" has all but disappeared from usage. For all intents and purposes, the current meaning of atheist is to deny the existence of god, and the current meaning of agnostic is to suspend one's thinking regarding it. Anyone who believes the two words are synonyms is desperately trying to increase the population of their camp, for some reason.

Unlike pink unicorns and the boogie man, there *is* evidence of a God/creator/originator. If that evidence could be definitively refuted, our current religions would have disappeared a long time ago, like the Roman and Greek gods and goddesses.

What your basically saying is that humans need religion for morality, which is patently untrue. Morality is not based on religion but instead based on the social contract, which basically states that in order to get the benefits of living in a social group one needs to adhere to certain rules. The development of morality and an innate moral sense was necessary for the evolution of a social species, and what allows humans to live harmoniously in a group.

Oh really? The Romans were cool with raping of servants on a whim and fucking your siblings for the purpose of having children by them. Religious law is what put an end to that, if not we'd have diluted our gene pool to have even more blithering idiots out there than we have right now.

People can *very easily* have their concept "morality" twisted and inverted; all you need is a charismatic leader. Religion is useful for stopping that (just as easily as it can cause it).


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