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Re: Time: those darned Jews care too much about money to pursue peace

Posted by Olog-hai on Fri Sep 10 13:50:19 2010, in response to Re: Time: those darned Jews care too much about money to pursue peace, posted by Scorpio7 on Fri Sep 10 13:30:50 2010.

I'm not talking about the Bulgarian media, i'm talking about OUR media, as in the Belgian media

You mean that's the Belgian media that got you into that propagandized state you're in? Wow.

Pretty much everybody in Europe agrees that Berlusconi is a criminal, except for the Italians themselves who keep voting for him

He hasn't been ejected from the EPP yet, though.

Looking at the very press freedom index you use, it seems we're actually ranked HIGHER on the list than the U.S. As are most other EU countries, BTW

RWB certainly isn't perfect. They're basing their stance on the fact that the US military arrested journalists, without looking at the activities of the journalists in question. Journalists aren't inviolable, even if freedom of the press is, and sometimes journalists fight against press freedom.

And none of what happens in the EU happens in the USA. The police doesn't do anything of what happens to EU journalists. The point is that EU press freedom is on its way down. You've got Berlusconi influencing the highest echelons; EU law has supremacy over national law.

Now I know you're certifiable

You're not good at judging on actions, are you? Bush is a center-left liberal.


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