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Re: Obama administration bans salt

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Tue Apr 20 10:04:49 2010, in response to Re: Obama administration bans salt, posted by JayZeeBMT on Tue Apr 20 09:57:36 2010.

Alcohol and tobacco are addictive, mind-altering substances, known to be deadly.

Yeah, and we KNOW that. It worked "so well" in the 1920's too. It's FOOLS like you, and yes, I am pissed enough at these people to say that, that did that debacle too.

If the aim in regulating salt is to "protect the health" of the American people, this can be done more effectively by encouraging moderation, if not abstinence, from liquor and cigarettes first.

"Abstinence from liquor and cigarettes first". What the HELL is it your damn business if I chose to smoke? (I don't). What the HELL is it your business if I decide to drink a few beers. This is the kind of attitude that drives me insane, and you actually said "abstinence" from alcoholic and cigarettes. It's your types that want to take away all of our freedoms, and people are not going to stand for it. You are the same hypocrite that says it's "wrong" for the govt to legislate who you marry or if someone has an abortion, but you want to take away people's rights to smoke, drink, eat salt, or eat fatty foods. It's ridiculous.

BTW, this "no salt" proposal has been in the works since 2005, making Bush the man who wanted salt off your table, not Obama.

Please provide proof that "Bush" started this proposal.


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