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Re: Who do YOU Endorse for the Presidency?

Posted by JournalSquare-K-Car on Wed May 14 19:49:17 2008, in response to Re: Who do YOU Endorse for the Presidency?, posted by SelkirkTMO on Wed May 14 01:08:35 2008.

Now Al Gore, i think had something going. I believe Obama is considering to have Gore as either vice president, or an environmental secratary or something.
You have to realize how republicans think, if they think there MIGHT be a problem using(selling) fuel at an outrageous rate, they will continue to use(sell) it until it is too late, and the way things are going, it seems that they really don't give a chit(word of yours). There are plenty better ways to spend 150 billion than by throwing a few hundred dollars at SOME people. That type of plan, a fifth grader with a free hour can outdo. People need JOBS, not money.

Still is a shame that Gore isn't president, despite having most americans vote for him. Also interesting that the "hanging chad" nonsense occured in a state governed by Bush's brother. I heard that the vote was ultimately decided by a handful of voters or something, like 500 or so. Of course then rumors popped up about ballot cards popping up in places.

Clinton himself didn't seem like such a butt-head, but his wife.... DANG, what is wrong with her? I don't even see Bill around her anymore.

As for the clean air vehicle, i think there were plans to use hydrogen or something, and do research into that, NOT 15 or so years later. Gore learned the first time around, with the 1970s gas crisis. They also researched into the excellent stirling engine, which has very few parts in comparison to a combustion engine, and more efficient. But that went poof as well. I don't even see any mention of it anymore. The stirling engine is magic, in my opinion, can create mechanical force from a temperature difference, and it uses simple gas expansion and contraction. I read that about 1/3 of powerplant energy is lost as heat, and a stirling engine would be able to effectively tap into that massive amount of heat, rather than just warm a nearby stream.

To be honest, i think a stirling engine hybrid car would be far better than a combustion gas hybrid.


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