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Re: He was in my class

Posted by GP38/R42 Chris on Wed Jan 17 12:21:45 2007, in response to Re: He was in my class, posted by orange blossom special on Wed Jan 17 12:07:05 2007.

If he crossed at the crosswalk, and that type of impact happened with screeching, then something was wrong.

Why? You can get a screech with a sudden stop if you are going 10 mph, and it's probably likely he was going faster than that.

I wouldn't guess you can hit someone at a crosswalk from a dead stop with that much force, but what do I know.

There is no evidence he was in (or not in) a crosswalk, and there is no evidence that it happened at the stop sign crosswalk.

It really looks like a given looking at that intersection.

It's complete speculation that it happened AT that intersection with the stop sign.

And if he jaywalked...where did he come from(between cars or buses?)

We don't know if he jaywalked, but remember the accident took place after dark, in the evening. There were probably more parked cars as neighborhood streets fill up with more parked cars than during the day as people come home from work. Also, it is probably quite dark there as there are absolutely no street lights or buildings to give artifical light on the right side of the street. There are a few random lamp posts on the left. This is not going to be your typical "urban" night lit up street.

and how fast was the car going.

None of us have any clue, but it may be hard to stop from anything over 10mph suddenly, and you can have a screeching sound from anything over 10 mph if you stop short you will have a screech. And it is most likely he was going faster than that. Remember, 30 mph is the speed limit, unless otherwise stated, and I don't see any speed limit signs that say it's lower.


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