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Re: He was in my class

Posted by orange blossom special on Fri Jan 12 17:00:47 2007, in response to Re: He was in my class, posted by BMTLines on Fri Jan 12 16:50:07 2007.

Common sense...

I'm going to assume this car was by itself or first in line. How often does a person cross the street without looking when several cars already passed him/her.

Second, It's night. How do I know the person wasn't pushing 45-50? Especially if it's the first car, the first car isn't the slowest.

Sean Weber, 23, was walking home from school about 8:20 p.m. when he was hit and hurled more than 100 feet along along Veterans Ave. in Bergen Beach.
I've never been hit before, and I don't know what angle he was hit, but will you fly 100 feet from being hit at 35mph? Even unaware? This sounds really forceful. It's a Saturn too. Saturn what? I dunno. If it's an SUV, maybe...I don't know. A plastic saturn car going 30mph moving me 30 yards I'm not sure about. I could be wrong though.

Did the person cross the street between two big SUV's so he wasn't seen either? I dunno. Obviously the driver didn't have a chance to honk possibly.
You can swerve around objects and people too. That's a part of defensive driving. Swing around into something and not into a person. Person couldv'e been wearing all black.

It's a vague story...but seeing too many wrecks, being in insurance for a time, you start to figure things out. And then you just want to live along a tram line. That's all I want instead of this crap. :(
I used to eat at a table next to some lady everyday. And she said she used to like driving a lot too until she started working in insurance. Takes the fun out of it.


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