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CNN no longer covering all of the daily Presidential task force updates

Posted by Easy on Wed Apr 8 19:42:18 2020

CNN has decided to stop covering the entirety of the daily task force updates. The updates happen during Wolf Blitzer's show and from what I gather from his comments, CNN considers the opening statements from President Trump to not be newsworthy and potentially misleading. They have replaced that portion with discussions between Wolf and John King and various other reporters. CNN has decided that what their "journalists" have to say is more significant than what the President says. Just wow!

They switch to the updates once reporters ask questions. I know that they think that they are doing the American people a favor and that what they have to say is more significant to the average person than what the President says, but I don't think that voters will see it the same way. They continuously scroll negative news and sensationalize any interpretation that can undermine Trump, but I think that they look ridiculous. Fox continues to be terrible, but CNN is right there with them.


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