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Re: Earths Magnetic Feild/Currents Reversing?

Posted by Subterranean Railway on Sun Oct 29 15:19:20 2006, in response to Re: Earths Magnetic Feild/Currents Reversing?, posted by Chris R16/R2730 on Sun Oct 29 12:27:00 2006.

Sand Box John and Mr. Mabstoa completely dismiss the existence of "climate change." SBJ has never really substantiated his claim; Mr. Mabstoa makes a more metaphysical argument, stating that "man cannot affect weather in any way."

I never stated that CO2 emissions are the sole cause of Earth's climate change. I don't think anyone believes that. There are other factors, the primary one being Milankovitch cycles, which are periodic changes in the Earth's position relative to the sun. We are currently the closest to the sun each 100,000 year cycle allows. However, temperature changes in the last 150 years coinciding with the introduction of heavy-CO2 producing industry cannot be explained by Milankovitch cycles. CO2 levels are increasing rapidly, and it is obvious that they do play a role in global temperatures.


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