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Re: Assholes like Jimmymc25 topple Confederate monument

Posted by ClearAspect on Wed Aug 16 04:53:16 2017, in response to Re: Assholes like Jimmymc25 topple Confederate monument, posted by BILLBKLYN on Wed Aug 16 03:47:25 2017.

You are right... its the United States of America. Not the conferderate states. If you want people in the South to continue to have a romanticized version of history fine. However, there will be no monuments to traitors and the history books MUST teach the ignorant romanticists the true history of the confederacy and the traitors who lost. You destroy the conservative mindset with education, with the truth.

We dont honor traitors in this nation. We honor heroes that sacrifice for OUR nation and thats the United states of America, the UNION, not the confederacy.

We teach history but people like you? We won, this is punitive revenge. The Alt Right has woken up the sleeping bear.


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