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Re: Democrats flip out, go full-retard, and try instituting Third Reich policies in New Jersey

Posted by orange blossom special on Tue Aug 15 14:11:50 2017, in response to Re: Democrats flip out, go full-retard, and try instituting Third Reich policies in New Jersey, posted by Mitch45 on Mon Aug 14 09:00:44 2017.

"Now, for all of these reasons Orthodox Jews can't live in isolated places - they need to live among other Orthodox Jews."

This part confuses me as a student of history. Before Conservative, or Reconstructive, or whatever groups there were, there were Jews everywhere. Immigrant Jews usually.
In the Deep South, they owned all the stores (literally). A town was happy when a Jew moved in and opened a dry good store, it meant the town was on the up-and-up. It was a cause for celebration.

There was another story of a merchant in Mississippi. Wagon broke. The people helped him and was sad, didn't want the guy to go. He gave them all stories of the Bible, etc.

I got a million of them. These folks weren't hypocritical, or pretended to not be Jewish, non-believing or anything else. This may be pre-labels too. I am confused if the term "orthodox" has changed, or what these people would be classified as.

"And that is where the fear begins. The secular or Gentile residents of a neighborhood see that Orthodox families are moving in and they right away know that these people are going to open at least one synagogue, a ritual bath, at least one glatt kosher supermarket and probably one or two glatt kosher restaurants or pizza shops."

I got black neighbors, Arabs from Jersulaem, muslims, Indians, etc. I never see anyone cry and vandalize things the way they do in all of these articles I see about the Jews.
There's nothing this flared up in this country since the early 1960's segregation cases, and today, it's only about the Jews.

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