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Re: It Is Now Passover

Posted by Nilet on Tue Apr 11 18:58:35 2017, in response to Re: It Is Now Passover, posted by orange blossom special on Tue Apr 11 18:35:09 2017.

No, that is a confusing or absurd statement. You say you are jewish but you go on to say their (your) restrictions.

The "their" in "their restrictions" refers to the SubChatters who throw tantrums over what I eat.

So the statement is: "No [SubChat poster] needs to throw a screaming tantrum about how antisemitic I am for being Jewish while not following [that SubChat poster's] absurd restrictions."

Exactly what foods are or aren't acceptable varies considerably amongst Jews; Orthodox Jews believe tref is forbidden while Reform Jews believe kashrut is obsolete except for Passover restrictions. Ashkenazim generally believe that eating kitniyot during Passover is forbidden; Sephardim generally don't. Even the fine details are up for dispute, like whether turkey is kosher.

So eating a bacon cheeseburger on matzah means I'm keeping Passover, but I'm disregarding the rules of kashrut which Reform Jews don't keep anyway. Meaning it's actually perfectly consistent with one particular contingent of Judaism— the one I was raised in, specifically.

However, the tantrums people threw in the first Passover thread went far beyond being miffed by deviation from tradition. These were clearly people who felt their specific rules (Orthodox; traditional) were universals and anyone who broke them was a heretic dedicated to the destruction of Judaism.

So this year, I decided to see what happened if I proudly announced I was acting in accordance with the rules of a major sect other than their own. Would they have the same level of hatred as when they thought I was following a minor sect? Or worse, that I could be Jewish without mindlessly following any ancient traditions?

Passover is in the Bible.

Yes, and?

I don't go around mocking things I haven't even at least attempted to learn, by inventing stuff.

Then how do you explain this post (just for starters)?


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