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Re: The real reason for New York City's traffic nightmare

Posted by Stephen Bauman on Sun Dec 4 17:49:57 2016, in response to Re: The real reason for New York City's traffic nightmare, posted by AlM on Sun Dec 4 14:11:29 2016.

How does that help?

Not very much because you are measuring the wrong thing.

The reduction in average speed in a city comes from time spent at red lights not the reduced speed when traveling. You must follow a single car to see how long it takes to traverse a mile or two.

An alternative approach would be to see how long it takes for a block of waiting cars to clear, after the light turns green. Let's say you're at 6th Ave and 16th St. The block between 16th and 15th has to be clear of cars before the first cars crossing 15th St approach 16th. We're assuming the following cars are obeying the speed limit, so it would not be met with a red signal at 16th. If the block is not cleared, then the follower must wait for the "congestion" to clear before proceeding. N.B. the traffic signal at 15th turns green before the one at 16th. An equivalent approach would be to estimate how far back the queue waiting between 16th and 15th extends before the light at 15th turns green.


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