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Re: #thisbody

Posted by SelkirkTMO on Fri Mar 11 03:07:06 2016, in response to Re: #thisbody, posted by LuchAAA on Fri Mar 11 03:00:12 2016.

"At Gym" ... that would mean 750 is getting worked off there then. That 1500 is merely typical, all depends on metabolism as to what that "stay put" level requires. Out here, we do about 2000 but we burn off the rest. then again we don't really worry about the metrics as we're both at proper weight and all just the way we live.

I am perpetually amused by concern over bingbong's weight. Cancer does amazing things to knock that down to shit and maintaining it once there is a piece of cake. I'll just stipulate that I'm 175 and bingbong is a lot less, and I'm 6'0, she's 5'10 and leggy so it's all good. Gotta love watching the "great de-bait" though. Heh.

Now what is R2 gonna do? That whole thing erupted over an ancient video of a software story done by a local channel. The video was originally shot by a local TV station using an old 4:3 image ratio camera and broadcast in 16:9 format before analog TV finally went away. Always have been amused by folks who believe what they see on TV. :)


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