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Re: Hillary Supporters Are Idiots

Posted by Edwards! on Sun Nov 8 23:01:06 2015, in response to Re: Hillary Supporters Are Idiots, posted by #4 Sea Beach Fred on Sun Nov 8 15:37:48 2015.

So what?
Republicans will side with anyone they figure will get them votes..
Even cowtow to Israel to show how much they love them,and its populace.
What you arent saying,is how the party You clearly support is decimating the very fabic of American culture..by attacking its very fundementals at the roots.
It was the Republicans who attacked the First Amendment rights of individuals,and continue to do so..
It is the Republicans who jumpstarted this lastest revival of Racism across our land..
It aas the Republicans,who tore the ass out of our economy,and blamed everyone else...
Its the Republicans,who want to make this "country great again" by bringing back everything that was Wrong with it if you were Anyone that Wasnt Anglo Saxon or had roots from the Caucus Mountain!

You support a group of Devils,who rather see you Dead,that breath the very air they claim they own!

Better wake up.


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