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Re: Hillary Supporters Are Idiots

Posted by #4 Sea Beach Fred on Sun Nov 8 15:37:48 2015, in response to Re: Hillary Supporters Are Idiots, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Sat Nov 7 18:50:27 2015.

CM---I'm not a Jew so I can't know about this as well as someone who is Jewish. If you are, please tell me why Jews still for the most part stick with the Democrats even though there is no doubt at all the Republicans are the party that supports Israel down the line while the other guys always try to find ways to castigate Israel as a hater and an aggressor. The only thing I can come up with is that Jews, because of their own history, are doggedly supportive of underdogs and the disadvantaged even as the expense of their own well being. It is an admirable trait but one that can be self destructive in the long run. Hell, Iran and other radical Islsmists have pledged to wipe out Israel and the Jewish people. Even Hitler never said he was going for genocide until he embarked on that in 1941-1942.


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