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Posted by brightonr68 on Thu Jul 16 13:09:22 2015, in response to Re: IT'S TIME FOR CHICAGOMOTORMAN AND ITALIANSTALLION TO CALL A TRUCE, posted by ChicagoMotorman on Thu Jul 16 12:18:40 2015.

The child that would have came into the world would have been loved greeatly by you. I feel for you that you never had another oppurtunity to have a child . I was in the same boat until 6 years ago when i had twin boys and now i also have a girl y years old. I was 23 and was not ready to have a child. Before I had a child with my wife I thought of how nice would my 10 year old boy or girl be as I took them to the ballgame, subway museume etc.

Then I see the other side. Mixed up children where one parent (the mother) does not want the father around and put the children in between. Mother who uses child as tool to get back at man. My buddy is an doctor, his babies mother a super market check out slacker. Had a child, got married for the child, got divorsed and the child is failing out of school. Mixed up, does drugs etc. He loves his child but sad at the same time.

As I said in previos posts. In some communities 80% children are born without committed loving parents. This leads to high rates of sadness, minor mental illness, depression and other serious issues that leads to crime, teanage preganancy and the lack of ability to trust someone. I see children at my job as a teacher of over 20 years just as empty souls, sad, depressed and confuses. I also see children from the same family that the oldest are all mixed up due to unwanted pregancy and the youngest from a committed loving relationship are NORMAL.

Most criminals are form unloving homes. FYI just becasue parents are married does not make it a loving home and just because a mother is a single mother it does not make it an unloving home. It has to do with the love for the child. Many people have the chuld to try to get the man they want to stay with them and then after the man leaves, the child is the symbol for thier dispair.

If the person wants an abortion, they dont want the child and thus should not have the child I think that anyone who has an abortion should have to go to mandatory counciling on responcible behavior.

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