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Elections Have Begun!

Posted by Nilet on Fri May 1 05:55:17 2015

The documents are distributed, the manifestos are filed, and this morning, the polls have opened for the 2015 Federal General Election down in my country.

At the moment, we have a Liberal-Conservative government, but all the analysts are predicting that this election will produce a Republican majority or a National-Republican coalition. Unfortunately, that would be quite bad for me— the left-wing Republicans and far-left Nationals are always trying to step on my control of passenger transportation, and the Nationals seem especially adamant that my monopoly should be broken by government fiat. They've even instituted a no-bribes policy; most likely, this is political posturing, but it can force the Republicans to the left.

If you are a citizen or lawful permanent resident, you have a responsibility to go out and vote. There are seven parties registered on the national ballot:

1. The Liberal Party offers solid right-wing governance, responsible use of government power, and full respect for private business activities. My first pick, if I were allowed to vote. Currently holds 107 seats.

2. The Conservative Party seeks to limit governmental activities entirely, with some members supporting complete anarchy. However, they do tend to respect private business activities, so they'd be my second pick. Currently holds 49 seats.

3. The Republican Party is decidedly left-wing, and have constantly pushed to tighten, not loosen the Standards and Practices guidelines that are semi-binding on my operations. They're more concerned with people than business, so not a good pick. Currently holds 95 seats.

4. The National Party is far-left; not only do they want to switch to Open Standards, which could force me into bankruptcy by allowing teleportation to become affordable, they also believe that the government should use its power to attack monopolies directly, such as by restricting what fares I can charge on lines where I have no competition (ie, nearly all of them). Currently holds 36 seats.

5. The Statesman Party is pro-war; what limited focus they apply to domestic affairs tends to align with the Conservative Party, but they believe the government should step up its war against the United States, not to goad them into developing space travel but to conquer them as revenge for centuries-old grievances. Although I don't support war myself, their domestic policies are good for my share price so they're my third choice. However, they don't have the best track record for respecting the First Amendment. Currently holds 11 seats.

6. The New Democratic Party is anti-human; they believe humans are an inferior species that should be imprisoned or worse. On foreign policy, they align with the Statesman Party, believing that the war is part of a greater effort to end humans' control of the planet, but on domestic issues, they support a full repeal of the Second Amendment and a vast array of discriminatory laws. Currently holds 2 seats.

7. The Destiny Party believes it is the destiny of my country's majority species to locate and return to their ancestral homeworld. Exactly what policies they support is unclear— they've never governed, and their manifesto is absurdly vague. They do make cryptic references to repealing the First Amendment, which is unlikely to win them many points, and they want to initiate formal diplomatic contact with the United States and end the war. Currently holds no seats, but qualifies for the national ballot by sector-sign.

If you support business and you support this country, make sure to vote Liberal - primary; Conservative - conditional secondary. If you live in Elo Firanza, also vote Industrious - tertiary. Polls will remain open until 11:59 PM on May 30th.


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