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Re: The Silence Should All Be Killed On Sight

Posted by Nilet on Wed Nov 26 04:13:55 2014, in response to Re: You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means, posted by The Silence on Wed Nov 26 04:03:27 2014.

Those words were typed by you.

But they were a summary of your stated beliefs. Which make no sense.

This instance that Wilson be held accountable for his actions. You're doing it right now.

So you're saying you think people shouldn't be held accountable for their actions?

You, meaning people like you, who have little to no factual (and I mean actually factual) knowledge of the events that transpired, ether on that street or in the Grand Jury room, yet act like you were there, watching it.

So I guess by your own argument, the 9/11 attacks were committed by the government of the Maldives. After all, you weren't there so you didn't see what transpired, and I say it was the Maldives so that must be actually factual.

Webster's defines murder as:
the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought

(the following are simply for example's sake)

You and another guy get into a fight in a bar and you end up stabbing him with a beer bottle= Not murder.

You see a guy making moves on your girlfriend in a bar, wait outside till he leaves and then stab him with a beer bottle= Murder.

You see a guy and you don't like the colour of his skin, so you shoot him repeatedly and then claim he had a nonexistent gun.

That's the point I've been trying to make.

Look, that's it. That's enough. A black man was murdered in cold blood by a white cop who got away with it because a grand jury decided murdering black people was legal, and the only thing unusual about it was that this time there were protests— protests which were attacked with nerve gas.

When it comes to Ferguson, there are only two valid opinions.

(a) I believe the evidence shows Darren Wilson intentionally murdered Michael Brown in cold blood and needs to be charged with murder and, in all likelihood, sent to prison.

(b) I need to be punched in the face until I agree with (a).

Which opinion do you hold?


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